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In a time of increased operational complexity, the Army needs to rethink how it manages its financial capability at brigade and division level. This includes ensuring finance units are ready to deploy in a contested environment with the ability to deliver critical capabilities to the tactical edge, including materiel management, tactical sustainment mobility, and division-level supply planning.
The military relies on cash for freedom of action and to extend its operational reach. It is reliable, agile, and responsive to commanders’ demands. This makes it a suitable class of supply worthy of consideration by MPOs and the Army at large.
However, current federal statutory language does not reflect the broader shift toward LSCO. As a result, MPOs are performing the same role they did 25 years ago. Fortunately, there are MPOs that have made the transition from traditional long-range capital planning agencies to dynamic, multifaceted organizations, such as San Francisco’s Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Dallas’ North Central Texas Council of Governments, and Philadelphia’s Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission.
These MPOs have incorporated a wide range of new tasks into their portfolio, such as scenario planning, and rely on a mix of staff to execute these tasks. The MPOs that have shifted their roles also rely on the expertise and support of a variety of stakeholders, which includes local governments, transportation departments, community groups, and academic institutions.
Several MPOs have also taken steps to MPOCASH ensure equity in their decision-making and project selection processes, including through targeted funding streams and set-asides. These approaches support broader social goals while also addressing local transportation infrastructure gaps.
While this is an important trend, the vast majority of MPOs are still performing the same functions they did in 1990. MPOs need to be given the resources to evolve into these new roles, so that they can meet the challenges of LSCO.
This year’s Disc Golf Pro Tour championship has a great chance of seeing an MPO player start the final round from the opening round for the first time since its four-round format began in 2015. Nathan Queen did this last year, and players like Henna Blomroos and Hailey King are capable of making history as well. To do so, they will need to advance out of the play-in round on Wednesday. If they do, they will be one step closer to the record-setting payout that awaits them. Then they can celebrate after a job well done.
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